Thursday, June 14, 2012


Sleep  is  very  important  for  our  healthy growth,  thinking   and fast  memory capabilities.Therefore  for  our  good body , muscle  ,  organ  and brain  performance  we  need  quality  sleep .And  for us  to stay  healthy  free  of some chronic  disease  like  diabetes ,hypertension  or high  blood pressure   Heart failure  etc  ,we  need  good  quality  sleep.For  an  example  in 2005, a study of over 1400 participants showed that participants who habitually slept few hours were more likely to have associations with Diabetes Type 2.If  sleep is so  important  ,how can  we correct our  deprived  sleep nature ? here are  some way  we  can  balance  our  sleep nature:
  1. Pray and give all your burdens to the Lord. Pray that God will help you sleep well. The Bible says in Psalms 4: I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: For thou, Lord,only maketh me dwell in safety.
  2. 2
    Exercise regularly
    Exercise regularly: Exercise in the late afternoon or early evening but not within two hours of bedtime.
  3. 3
    Bananas contain tryptophan
    Eat sleep promoting foods: In the evening eat almonds,bananas, dates, figs, tuna, turkey or yogurt. These foods are high in tryptophan which promotes sleep.
  4. 4
    What a feeling to get a massage!
    Massage your entire body using essential oil: Prepare a massage oil by mixing 2 drops of valerian oil, 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of chamomile oil, 2 drops of clary-sage oil and 2 drops of valerian. Use this prior to taking your essential oil bath. Massage over your entire body, you may need help from your husband or wife for this one.(Smile) :) There is nothing like your partner in life lending his/her hand to massage you when needed. Make sure the shoulders and neck are included.
  5. 5
    Key is relaxation!
    Take an essential oil bath: Essential oil can be used in a nice, warm and sensual bath. Mix 3 drops of clary-sage, 2 drops of vetiver, 1 drop of valerian and two drops of lavender oil in a bowl and then pour in a dropper bottle. Afterwards, place 3 drops per bath. Get in the tub, relax and read a book. Then go to bed. Repeat nightly or as needed.
5 Ways to Help Baby
Tear-free tips to help baby sleep No obligation, privacy guaranteed

Read more: How to Induce Sleep Naturally |

1 comment:

  1. Sleep is very important for our well being .According to researchers from united states"National Institute of health (NIH),sleep enables the healing and repair of the heart and blood vessels.It help brains to function effectively,keeps the immune system in good condition and promote growth development in children.Lack of it brings a lot of problems,ranging from chronic heart problems obesity .difficulty in making decisions,since sleep is so important,there are several ways to improve or induced sleep but I want to talk on using hot water to induced sleep:
    :Take your face towel deep inside a bowl of hot
    water allow to cool small and use it to pressed your face,shoulder,back,ribs,and joints and then bath yourself with cold water and go on to sleep like a new born baby.
