Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Garcinia kola:          The seeds  of several  plants have been used either  wholly as a substitute  for, or as adulterants of, true kola. All of these, however,  lack  the characteristic principles of the true kola. Among these plants is  Garinia Kola (Heckel). The fruit of this plant is rarely found as an adulterant  of kola, as their external features are entirely different. However, it  bears the name of  false kola, male kola, and bitter kola. It is highly esteemed by the native of Africa, though devoid of marked stimulant properties of true kola.  Negroes chewed  it as a powerful aphrodisiac and, as masticatory, they  employ them in common colds.   They contain tannin,  colour matter, and a brown and a yellowish- white resin but  no alkaloids (Harvey Wickes, 1898).

1 comment:

  1. Garcinia kola can also be known as bitter kola,male kola or false kola (that is adulterant of true kola )
